East Mamma

133 Rue du Faubourg Saint-Antoine, 75011 Paris, France

If you’re a Gen Z foodie researching restaurants in Paris, you’ve definitely come across the most “instragramable” and “worth it” restaurant, Pink Mamma. And if you’re a true Gen Z, you’ve realized that it’s too close to your trip to get reservations…all the millennial took them. Well, you’re in luck, because “East Mama” is the exact same food. While East Mamma lacks the perfect instagram lighting and aesthetic, you’re in Paris…just save a piece of pizza and take a photo with it on the street. That’s right…pizza. 

You must get a pizza when you come here. To my American ass surprise, everyone was eating with a fork and a knife! Probably because each slice would be too delicate to pick up and shove in your mouth on the go like a classic New York slice. The pizza crust was plush and fluffy and the perfect balance of sweet and sour. The sauce and cheese proportions gave for a satisfying bite every time. Now, I prefer artisanal wood fired pizzas - it’s the Portland in me - but if you’re not into delicate dough, aged cheeses, and fresh basil…I can’t even finish this sentence because I promise you won’t regret trying a Mamma pizza.

Pizza Margarita

I would be ok if this was my last meal.

The truffle pasta was a nice break from the acidity of the margarita pizza. It was deliciously overwhelming. The pasta was cooked to a perfect aldente - every curve on the pasta held a small amount of truffle cream sauce that gave for a perfectly proportioned pasta to sauce ratio. While these first bites were delightful, I can’t help but wonder if it is due to the fact that this was our first meal in Paris. Were we just blinded by the beauty of the city? Were we just hungry from our 12 hour flight? These overwhelming flavors became rather repetitive after just a few bites, but it hit the spot and we don’t regret going.

HOWEVER, we just couldn’t escape the Mamma groups…for we realized a random other restaurant we booked was literally the exact same menu…but a different “instagrammable” vibe. I do applaud the Mamma restaurant chain for their active social media presence, they know their audience well. 


Bains des Pâquis


The Smiths