Seize the day with carbs

OISHI, which directly translates to “delicious” or “yummy” in Japanese, is a word I grew up hearing and saying almost everyday when I would visit my dad and grandparents in New York, where food was the first and foremost love language. From drizzling sweetened condensed milk on top of freshly made kakigori with my Obachan to splurging on a $7 margarita pizza with my mom on date nights, I fundamentally believe that sharing a meal is a catalyst for conversation, community, and culture and I hope OISHI can help spread that delicious love.

My name is Issa Okamoto. I am currently a sophomore in college living in Ohio, but I was born in New York City and raised in Portland, Oregon. I have, quite literally, been eating since before I was born. But my deeper appreciation for food began later in my adolescence when my family experienced financial instability and we began making decisions about necessities. Even when my mom and older sister were working multiple jobs to make ends meet, the two things that were prioritized in our household was education and food. As a youngest sister who loved when our family was together, I cherished the few hours a week we spent eating together around the dinner table.

After finding ourselves back on our feet, my mom and I would splurge on one on one date nights around Portland, Oregon following the cheap eats guide. As I became financially independent, I was suddenly in the position to decide what I want to spend my money on. The thing that felt most authentic was spending my money on food! For the six years that lead up to my high school graduation, my sister’s and I planned an all graduation sister trip for my first trip to Europe. This past summer, I was able to eat my way through Paris, documenting the whole thing for a community of foodies I had found online through TikTok. Even through the most lonely and challenging time of my life, food and daydreaming about food, has brought me so much joy - joy that I hope to share. Coming back from Paris, sitting on boatloads of journal entries and images of melted cheese, breads, pastries, and pastas, felt too delicious to gate keep.